Taylor Swift Timeline

(2006 - Present)

Discover the milestones in Taylor Swift's career, from her country music breakout to becoming one of the biggest pop stars in the world. More Less

Early Life and Career Beginnings



Breakthrough and Commercial Success

Oct 24, 2006




Evolution and Reinvention

Oct 25, 2010

Oct 27, 2014



Nov 10, 2017

Jul 24, 2020


Philanthropy and Influence


Key Facts

  1. Taylor Swift released her self-titled debut album in 2006.
  2. She gained widespread fame with her second studio album, 'Fearless,' released in 2008.
  3. Swift won multiple Grammy Awards for her album '1989' in 2016.
  4. In 2017, Taylor Swift released her sixth studio album, 'Reputation,' which sold over 2 million copies worldwide in its first week.
  5. Taylor Swift's eighth studio album, 'Folklore,' released in 2020, received critical acclaim and became the best-selling album of the year.


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