Use Cases
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Taisho Pharmaceuticals (Japan) makes the first drink specifically targeted at increasing energy.
First introduced as a medicinal tonic drink
The drink (Lipvitan-D) contains a mix of essential vitamins and also taurine and niacin which are metabolic agents proven to boost things such as energy and concentration.
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Dietrich Mateschitz, an Austrian, adds caffeine and sugar and named this drink Red Bull, after the taurine amino acid.
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2005 - 2006
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The sale of energy drinks has gone up 61% since its introduction to the U.S.
Even though other energy drinks later hit the market, Red Bull still remains the most well-known and top name, with annual sales around the two billion dollar mark globally.
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The alcoholic energy drink known as Four Loko is introduced to the public by Phusion Pharmaceuticals
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Four Loko is reintroduced to the American market after removing caffeine, taurine, and guarana as ingredients. This was a result of legal, ethical, and health concerns about the product.
November, 2012
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13 deaths reported over the past 4 years as a result of 5-hour Energy
February 2013
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Washington State begins legislation to ban energy drinks to persons under 18 years old.