French and Indian War Timeline

(1754 - 1763)

The French and Indian War was a conflict between the British and French over land in North America.

Diplomatic Negotiations and Treaties

Jun 19, 1754 - Jul 11, 1754

Oct 26, 1758

Feb 10, 1761

Feb 10, 1762

Feb 10, 1763

Feb 15, 1763

Battles and Military Campaigns

Jul 3, 1754

Jul 9, 1755

Sep 8, 1755

Aug 10, 1756

Aug 3, 1757

Jul 8, 1758

Jul 8, 1758

Nov 24, 1758

Sep 13, 1759

Sep 13, 1759

Oct 11, 1759

Apr 28, 1760

Impact on Indigenous Peoples

1763 - 1766

Political and Strategic Developments

Oct 7, 1763

Key Facts

  1. The war was part of a larger conflict between Great Britain and France known as the Seven Years' War.
  2. The war was fought primarily in North America, but also spread to Europe, Africa, and Asia.
  3. The Treaty of Paris in 1763 ended the war and resulted in France losing all its North American possessions to Britain.
  4. The war played a major role in the strained relationship between Britain and its American colonies, leading to the American Revolution.
  5. Native American tribes in North America played a significant role in the war, with many aligning themselves with either the British or the French.


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