Christopher Columbus Timeline

(1451 - 1506)

This timeline highlights the key moments in the life and expeditions of Christopher Columbus, an Italian explorer who is credited with discovering the Americas. Discover his notable achievements, controversies surrounding his actions, and the lasting impact of his expeditions. More Less


Oct 31, 1451

Aug 3, 1492 - Oct 12, 1492

Oct 12, 1492

Sep 25, 1493 - Jun 11, 1496

Nov 1495 - Feb 1496

May 30, 1498 - Oct 1500

May 9, 1502 - Nov 7, 1504

Nov 1502 - Jan 1503

May 20, 1506

Key Facts

  1. Christopher Columbus was born in 1451 in Genoa, Italy.
  2. In 1492, Columbus embarked on his first expedition, funded by the Spanish monarchy, in search of a new trade route to Asia.
  3. On October 12, 1492, Columbus and his crew reached the Americas, landing on an island in the present-day Bahamas.
  4. Columbus made a total of four voyages to the Americas, exploring various Caribbean islands and parts of Central and South America.
  5. Despite his achievements, Columbus also sparked controversy due to his treatment of native populations and his role in the beginning of European colonization.


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