Timeline of Historical Periods

(Prehistoric times to Present)

The timeline of historical periods spans from prehistoric times to the present day, showcasing key events and developments from various eras. More Less

Ancient Civilizations

3200 BCE

2580 BCE - 2560 BCE

476 CE

Middle Ages

793 CE - 1066 CE

Oct 14, 1066

1347 - 1351

Renaissance and Enlightenment

1300 - 1699

1400 - 1799


1500 - 1699

Modern Era

1700 - 1899

1775 - 1783

1789 - 1799

1861 - 1865

1914 - 1918

1917 - 1923

1929 - 1939

1939 - 1945

1947 - 1991

Nov 9, 1989

Key Facts

  1. The prehistoric period includes the Stone Age, Bronze Age, and Iron Age.
  2. The ancient period covers ancient civilizations such as Egypt, Greece, and Rome.
  3. The medieval period saw the rise of feudalism and the establishment of powerful empires like the Byzantine Empire.
  4. The Renaissance period marked a time of great cultural and intellectual revival in Europe.
  5. The modern period is characterized by significant scientific advancements, industrialization, and globalization.


This Timeline of Historical Periods timeline was generated with the help of AI using information found on the internet.

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