HIST 007 Timeline: Part 1

Note that the beginning dates of the pleistocene and paleolithic are not correct (the timeline starts with... Show More

Geological epochs

75,000 BP

75,000 BP - 11,700 BP

11,700 BP - 1800 AD

2200 BCE - 1200 BCE

250 BCE - 400 AD

400 AD - 900 AD

950 AD - 1250 AD

Stone ages

75,000 BP - 10,000 BP

10,000 BCE - 2,000 BCE


70,000 BP

50,000 BP

40,000 BP

40,000 BP

30,000 BP - 16,000 BP

12,000 BP

10,500 BP

4000 BCE

753 BCE


60,000 BP - 12,000 BP

32,000 BP