Ecology Timeline

(Ancient civilizations to Present)

Ecology is the study of how living organisms interact with each other and their environment. It encompasses the relationships between organisms, the environment they live in, and the processes that influence these interactions. This timeline highlights key events and discoveries in the field of ecology. More Less

Environmental Movements

Sep 27, 1962

Apr 22, 1970

Sep 15, 1971

Jun 9, 1980

May 9, 1992

Jun 3, 1992 - Jun 14, 1992

Jun 14, 1992

Jun 20, 2012 - Jun 22, 2012

Conservation Efforts

Dec 31, 1972

Dec 28, 1973

Jul 1, 1975

Oct 26, 1981

Sep 16, 1987

Feb 16, 2005

Feb 16, 2005

Nov 4, 2016

Environmental Disasters

Aug 2, 1978

Mar 28, 1979

Apr 26, 1986

Mar 24, 1989

Apr 20, 2010 - Jul 15, 2010

Scientific Discoveries

May 16, 1985

May 16, 1985

Nov 1988

Key Facts

  1. The Greek philosopher Aristotle is often considered the father of ecology, as he was the first to study and describe the natural world.
  2. The development of the theory of evolution by Charles Darwin in the 19th century had a profound impact on the field of ecology, as it provided a framework for understanding the diversity and interconnectedness of life.
  3. The establishment of national parks and nature reserves in the late 19th and early 20th centuries marked a shift towards conservation and the protection of natural habitats.
  4. Rachel Carson's book 'Silent Spring' published in 1962 is considered a landmark work that brought attention to the negative effects of pesticides on the environment and sparked the modern environmental movement.
  5. The concept of sustainable development, which integrates economic growth with environmental protection, gained prominence in the late 20th century and continues to be a central focus of ecological research.


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