Use Cases
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Link to memo:
Interview with DEPSEC Bob Work:
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Link to 03/03/2015 Testimony:
http://www.defenseinnovationmarketplace.mil/resources/20150303SenateArmedServicesC ommitteeSECDEFBudgetTestimony.pdf
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SECDEF Ash Carter testified to Senate Appropriations Committee on same topic but expanded on his efforts to collaborate. Specifically, he outlined a series of initiatives he discussed at a Stanford University event:
(1) Establish a DoD branch of the U.S. Digital Service
(2) Create a new “Defense Innovation Unit (Experimental)” located in Silicon Valley
(3) Expand/Improve the Secretary of Defense Corporate Fellows Program
(4) Develop a pilot project with independent, non-profit startup backer In-Q-Tel
Link to 05/06/2015 Testimony:
http://www.appropriations.senate.gov/sites/default/files/hearings/050615%20Secretary%20Carter%20Testimon y%20-%20SAC-D.pdf
Link to 04/23/2015 Stanford Speech:
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DepSECDef Work memo
"Creation of New 'Point of Presence' Defense Innovaiton Unit Experimental
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SECDEF Ash Carter sent an email outlining his commitment to participate in the first session of the “Defense, Diplomacy, and Development” (D3) Innovation Summit – a series of events jointly held by the Department of Defense, Department of State, and the U.S. Agency for International Development. The first event in December will focus on the convergence of technological innovation with defense, diplomacy, and development objectives. Specifically, SECDEF Carter requested proposals from each of the Assistant Secretaries of Defense responding to the following prompt:
“New technologies are emerging daily, impacting not only the operations of how defense, diplomacy, and development are accomplished, but also the future operational environments of the United States, allies, and adversaries. U.S. policy will need to adapt to the impact of these technological changes and take advantage of new opportunities.”
On 09/04/2015, a separate email was sent outlining specifics of the deadline for submission (10/05/2015). Additionally, a document was released with submission guidelines indicating that the top six innovators from across DoS, DoD, and USAID would be selected to present to senior government leaders at the D3 Innovation Summit in December.
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UDEPSEC Brad Carson released a memo to Service Assistant Secretaries for Manpower and Reserve Affairs, Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel (Army), Chief of Naval Personnel, Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel (Air Force), and Deputy Commandant for Manpower and Reserve Affairs (USMC) with revised draft of “Force of the Future Reform Proposals.” Tab C (Multi- Domain Reform Proposals) of this pre-decisional draft document outlined several areas relevant to military health innovation including: (1) Increase Digital Innovation, (2) Foster a Culture of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, (3) Employ Big Data to Inform Personnel Decisions. The document is marked pre-decisional and current state is unknown.
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(All are relevant to innovation in health)
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SECDEF Ash Carter delivered announced the creation of a “National Manufacturing Innovation Institute” in partnership with the FlexTech Alliance consortium to produce hybrid electronics. The speech was delivered at the National Full Scale Aerodynamics complex on Moffett Federal Airfield, CA. The focus of the new institute is on ‘flexible hybrid electronics’ and DoD will invest $75 million in the institute. Potential medical applications that may emerge from this initiative include wearable sensors and smart prosthetics that have the full flexibility of human skin. The FlexTech alliance is a consortium of 96 companies, 41 universities, 14 state and local government organizations, and 11 labs and non-profits.
Link to DoD Press Release:
http://www.defense.gov/News-Article-View/Article/615263/carter-announces-manufacturing-initiative-to-aid- warfighters
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SECDEF Ash Carter delivered the opening remarks at a DARPA sponsored event in St. Louis, MO. The event highlighted work DARPA and partner organizations have done in the area of brain-controlled prosthetics, 100-gigabit wireless networks, advances in diagnostic techniques to combat infectious disease, and research in synthetic biology. The event was a follow-on activity to the Force of the Future pillar and above initiatives. Specifically, the event was created by Dr. Arati Prabhakar (DARPA Director since 2012) and included leading innovators across a range of specialties.
Links about Event:
http://www.nytimes.com/2015/09/09/science/conference-aims-to-bridge-the-divide-between-the-pentagon-and- silicon-valley.html http://www.defensenews.com/story/defense/policy-budget/industry/2015/09/09/st-louis-carter-calls- innovation/71952714/
Wait What? Website:
SECDEF Ash Carter Opening Remarks at “Wait What?” Future Technology Forum:
http://www.defense.gov/News/News-Transcripts/Transcript-View/Article/616663/remarks-by-secretary-carter-at- the-wait-what-three-day-future-technology-forum