History of Anthropology Quiz 1

Topic 1

Topic 2 Developing an anthropological perspective

484 bc - 425 bc

23 ad - 79 ad



560 - 636

1230 - 1250

1254 - 1324

1451 - 1506

1455 - 1526

1460 - 1525

1533 - 1592

1632 - 1704

1689 - 1755

1721 - 1793


Topic 2: The Past is a Foreign Country & Grappling with Human Physical Diversity

384 bc - 322 bc

115 - 181

200 - 245

1571 - 1603

1580 - 1655

1602 - 1675

1642 - 1727

1646 - 1716

1656 - 1738

1656 - 1743

1678 - 1771